Sunday, August 14, 2011


So, finally may be headed in the right direction with all the personal stuff I've been going through lately; I really hope it's up from here.

Here's a little random impulse project that took me a day or 2 to finish. I love how he turned out :) He's 2 feet tall, sits on his own and is completely handmade; even his necklace.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Funny Isn't It? How Your Best Friend Can Just Blow Up Like That

Just an update in case you were wondering where I've been. I've been going through a lot of tough personal stuff for the past month and a half, and therefore, haven't been too active with anything. I'm hanging in there, and hopefully will continue to.

Here's a meager supply of art that I've managed to eek out. :)